In other words, he implied, this was a fairly easy and even fun way to make a buck and get publicity, especially for someone with no advertising power to speak of. 他表示,换言之,这是一种相当容易、甚至很有趣的挣钱和出名方式,对于没有广告推销能力的某些人来说更是如此。
The house of good hundred years of implied meaning resides the catena business enterprise to create "pianos all" to contribute the power for Shenzhen. 寓意好百年家居连锁企业为深圳打造钢琴之都贡献力量。
The legislative history shows that the1976 legislation was intended to eliminate the President's implied withdrawal power under the Midwest Oil doctrine. 这一立法的历史显示,1976年的法规的目的在于废除总统根据“中西部石油”原则所指的土地收回权。
The author explores the effect of the responsibility system, and analyses emphatically the effect of implied power. 作者对责任制度的效力问题进行了探讨,重点分析了默示权力的效力。
The analysis implied, in order to develop power, exercise under the condition of vibration can improve the synchronization of motor unit. 这说明,在振动条件下进行力量训练,能够募集更多的运动单位参与收缩,提高肌肉的兴奋水平。
Further analysis indicated that linear relation existed between observed data and calculated data, which implied that it is possible to interpret sediment yield on slope by unit runoff power theory. 说明径流功率理论可以较好地应用于坡面单宽径流侵蚀产沙量的计算。
This article discusses a world-known new concept, namely the definition of social gender, its implied power relationship and equal rights, and offers mankind a new perspective in evaluating himself. 该文论述了近年来国际社会兴起的一个崭新概念:社会性别的界定、社会性别背后隐含的权力关系、社会性别的平等权利,向人们提供一个认识人类自身的新视角。
We should explore and understand the implied power in the space and the social significance of literary works. 我们应该探讨和理解空间中隐含的权力以及文学作品的社会意义。